PSSLU has been active in finding solutions to streamline the process of obtaining IDs. We are simply providing a one-form solution found below to obtain a PSSLU ID quicker than ever.

PSSLU will be accepting US Club Soccer IDs, Cal South IDs, and AYSO IDs only. Players who do not have access to any of the player cards mentioned need to obtain a PSSLU ID.

PSSLU IDs: You are responsible for picking up the ID from the ID registration personnel.

Obtaining a PSSLU Identification Card

  1. Complete player information in the form below.

  2. Uploading Documents. Include player image and proof of player identification (can be either a birth certificate, passport, or Ca ID)

  3. Proof of payment ($ 12 )

  4. Submit!

    Note: Due to a high volume of submissions for IDs, obtaining an ID may take up to a week to receive. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions about the IDs, please contact Robaire. Thank you.

Complete, Submit, and Retrieve your ID!